A Perfect Place for Solemnizing Arya Samaj & Court Marriage

Welcome To Arya Samaj & Court Marriage

Arya samaj & court marriage performs marriages and weddings of those couples who cannot afford a big fat Indian marriage. The bride and groom who come here for marriage wear simple clothes. The marriage performed by the Arya samaj & court marriage is not a 2-3days affair, it’s a short ceremony that lasts for an hour and where Vedic chants are recited and translated into simple language so that it is easily understood by the marrying couple.

Once the marriage rituals are completed, couple takes blessings from their elders by touching their feet and the bride leaves her parents house and starts living in her husband’s home. Arya samaj & court marriage bride and groom reflect Indian weddings in its simplest and purest form where one puts the rituals and Vedic mantras above the hullaballoo of wedding celebrations.

Arya Samaj & Court Marriage Services

Court Marriage
Name Karan
Hawan Yaga
Marriage Registration

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